Clinical Decision Rules to Identify Patients at High Risk for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - General Medicine Journal Watch
Study populationWe included alert patients aged ≥16 who presented to an emergency department with a chief complaint of non-traumatic headache peaking within an hour or of syncope associated with a headache. Alert was defined as a score of 15 on the Glasgow coma scale. Non-traumatic was defined as the absence of falls or direct trauma to the head in the previous seven days. Acute was defined as an interval of less than one hour from headache onset to peak intensity, and an interval of less than 14 days from headache onset to presentation.
We excluded patients with a history of three or more recurrent headaches of the same character and intensity as the presenting headache over a period of over six months; referred from other centres with a confirmed subarachnoid haemorrhage by either computed tomography or lumbar puncture; returned for reassessment of the same headache if they had already been investigated with computed tomography or lumbar puncture, or both; with papilloedema (as determined by treating physician); new focal neurological deficits, previous diagnosis of cerebral aneurysm or subarachnoid haemorrhage; previous diagnosis of a brain neoplasm; or known hydrocephalus.
根據統計結果,發展了三個clinical decision rule -臨床決策規則-目的是希望在這些神經學檢查正常的病患中(有異常的當然二話不說就切CT去了),找出那些特徵是高危險群,再來接受近一步檢查,以減少電腦斷層的使用。
- Rule 1: age ≧40, complaint of neck pain or stiffness, witnessed loss of consciousness, onset of headache with exertion
- Rule 2: arrival by ambulance, age ≧45, vomiting at least once, diastolic blood pressure ≧100 mm Hg
- Rule 3: arrival by ambulance, systolic blood pressure ≧160 mm Hg, complaint of neck pain or stiffness, age 45–55
如果利用這三個臨床決策規則來協助診斷,都可以減少電腦斷層之類檢查的使用率,從原本的八成減少到七成~六成;同時敏感度(Sensitivity)和陰性預測值(Negative Predictive Value)也都可以達到百分之百-翻成白話就是"號稱"不會漏掉任何一個SAH的病人啦!(40歲以下的人就不會有神經學檢查正常的SAH??)
至於這個研究在我們台灣可以應用嗎?不想用EBM方式去分析,至少我覺得人種差異讓這樣的臨床規則是否一體適用,還要再斟酌;況且"搭救護車來急診"這個指標,就會在台灣有很大不同的結果…Journal Watch的編輯寫到:
Comment: Although these decision rules are promising, they must be validated in other populations before they are used routinely; indeed, the authors note that a prospective validation study is under way. But, in the meantime, the findings provide guidance: Patients who present with nontraumatic headaches that peak within 1 hour and who have any of the clinical characteristics mentioned in the rules above should be assessed carefully for SAH. As the authors note, validated rules "could allow clinicians to be more selective and accurate when investigating patients with headache" and lower use of CT and lumbar puncture.最後是帶回家的點(?)
original article from BMJ
High risk clinical characteristics for subarachnoid haemorrhage in patients with acute headache: prospective cohort study -- Perry et al. 341 -- bmj.com
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