星期一, 11月 19, 2012

英國醫療人球事件?台灣媒體 vs. 英國媒體



  • 這位13歲小弟Robbie Appleby-Socket;禮拜三下午在學校玩耍時候,不小心把鉛筆插到手背。
    The pencil became stuck in the 13-year-old's hand during a playfight at his school in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, on Wednesday afternoon last week.
  • 這位小弟被送到Doncaster Royal Infirmary醫院的急診室(Accident and Emergency Department),醫師會診了骨科醫師。Robbie was seen by the A&E team, who were concerned and asked an orthopaedic surgeon to assess him.
  • 醫院預計隔天禮拜四早上幫這位小弟手術,同時開了些止痛藥,告訴他說可以回家休息,同時半夜之後開始禁食。“Robbie was listed for surgery the next morning and sent home with painkillers to rest and fast overnight in preparation.
  • 不幸的是,到了隔天早上,急診又突然來了許多受傷需要立即手術的病人,所以這位小弟的手術被延遲了“Unfortunately due to a number of very urgent cases requiring immediate trauma surgery Robbie’s operation was postponed.
  • 醫院再次告訴他回家等候電話通知手術。When he returned with mum Emma they were sent home again and told to wait for a phone call to reschedule the surgery.
  • 這位母親立刻帶他到20里外的醫院,那裏的醫院立即手術。
    She took Robbie 20 miles to Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield where they operated immediately.
  • 之後他住院打了兩天抗生素。
    He was then put on an antibiotic drip for two days in case the wound had become infected.
  1. 整篇報導都沒有出現醫護人員的姓名、照片、個人資料
  2. 事件中醫療方是由醫院為單位來面對
  3. 英國公醫制度,是如何運行?


  • I had a 3cm long splinter in my knee cap that had to be removed surgically. I got sent home with the order to be "nil by mouth" for 24 hours and that they would call me in the morning for my operation time. Well they didnt I had to call them after not eating for 30 hours to be told I had to wait another 5 days before they could "fit me in". Needless to say it was a little more than sore. When are they going to start spending more money on the NHS?
    - Libby182, Bournemouth, 15/11/2012 22:01
  • My son broke a bone in his hand last Saturday....... He has been to the hospital every day this week and been told that they are "too busy" to re-set the bone.............................. So today, we try again.........PLEASE, wish us luck.............................................................- F H, Sad Britain..., 16/11/2012 15:38
  • This the reality of over population...Cant blame the Hospital !

    Hospitals are having to cut staff, trim budgets and treat more people. Blame the Government they are the ones cutting the costs. If that hospital could not do operation his mum did right to seek help elsewhere. Im with Lionheart on this one. Money spent on getting people out the country this year could have gone to Hospitals

    it's interesting how many are so quick to slate the NHS well you can't have it both ways people - do you want a cheap health service or one that actually works??? What will happen is that you will have less and less available free and have to pay for more and more of your health service. Blame yourselves for wanting it for free and yet still wanting state of the art, cutting edge healthcare.

    A&E closures and hospital staff reductions will lead to more and more non life threatening injuries such as this from being treated immediately. If the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth was known there would have been patients in that A&E whose lives were being saved by what few staff were available to operate. The government is responsible for this situation, not the NHS nor the understaffed A&E's and wards.

  • When the NHS is allowed to be used and abused as it is by people from the third world we shouldnt really be too surprised that there is no money or time left for treating British people. - Ivan, Gotham City, United Kingdom, 15/11/2012 19:43

    Perhaps they were too busy operating on illegal immigrant extremist cleric to see a BRITISH subject?- Mary, Neuilly Sur Eure, 15/11/2012 19:44

    This is what you get when anyone from any country enters Britain and is entitled to free health care. Absolutely disgusting treatment of one of our own citizens. His wound must be at risk of serious infection too, and to make matters worse he is a child. Makes you wonder why we pay our NI & Taxes who is actually benefiting from them?- Annette, Birmingham, 15/11/2012 20:05


星期六, 11月 17, 2012




A write pain: Schoolboy with pencil stuck in hand sent home from hospital twice

He was left in agony after he got the pencil jammed in the back of his hand while playing with school pals
A schoolboy was sent home from hospital twice – even though he had a pencil embedded in his hand.
Robbie Appleby-Socket, 13, was left in agony after he got the pencil jammed in the back of his hand while playing with school pals.
He was taken to A&E in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, but was told he would need an operation the next day.
When he returned with mum Emma they were sent home again and told to wait for a phone call to reschedule the surgery.
She took Robbie 20 miles to Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield where they operated immediately.
He was then put on an antibiotic drip for two days in case the wound had become infected.
Emma said: “The staff at Pinderfields were amazing. They couldn’t believe the pencil had just been left in his hand and neither could I.
“Staff at Doncaster just left the pencil in and put a bandage over it and told him he would have to come back.
"I was worried he would knock it and the pencil would go even further into his hand.
“I was disgusted. He could have lost his hand if it got infected.
“It was only when I asked about infection that they gave us the antibiotics.”
A Doncaster Royal Infirmary spokesman said: “Robbie was listed for surgery the next morning and sent home with painkillers to rest and fast overnight in preparation.
“Unfortunately due to a number of very urgent cases requiring immediate trauma surgery Robbie’s operation was postponed.
"We apologised and gave him further painkillers and antibiotics.” 

接下來看看太陽報的報導,太陽報的用詞就比較強烈了,雖然圖片和內文有說"without proper treatment TWICE""Disgrace"等字眼,還是有提到醫師too busy。同樣的,台霉說的人球這兩個字在哪邊?
A BOY was left with a pencil stuck in his hand for TWO days - after a hospital sent him home without proper treatment TWICE.
Robbie Appleby-Socket, 13, was in agony when turned away and told to take mild painkillers at home by docs too busy to end his ordeal. His livid mum Emma Appleby fears the teen could have lost his hand if she had not taken him to another hospital 20 miles away.
The pencil became stuck in the 13-year-old's hand during a playfight at his school in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, on Wednesday afternoon last week. Staff at Doncaster Royal Infirmary's (DRI's) A&E saw Robbie but told him he would have to return the following morning for an op.He was sent away with the pencil still embedded in his hand - with just a bandage for protection.
When Robbie and his mum returned last Thursday, they were told he would have to go home again and wait for a phone call over the weekend. Robbie's horrendous 48-hour ordeal finally came to an end when he was treated in Pinderfields Hospital, Wakefield, West Yorkshire last Friday afternoon.
Emma, 33, said: "The staff at Doncaster Royal Infirmary (DRI) just left the pencil in and put a bandage over it and told him he would have to come back.
"I couldn't believe it. I was disgusted. He could've lost his hand. I was worried he would knock the pencil and it would go in even further.
"They asked me if I had paracetamol at home, which I did, so they sent us away.
"I was so shocked they didn't even think about the idea that Robbie could have rolled onto his hand while he slept and injured it even more.
"I didn't sleep a wink, I kept getting up to check on Robbie in case he was in pain."
Emma was even more staggered when she returned the following day.She said: "I was absolutely outraged. Robbie was there with that pencil still in his hand, and it was starting to look sore around the point of the pencil.
"They didn't even check the wound. It was only when I asked about infection that they gave us some antibiotics.
"We've still not heard from them so as far as they know Robbie still has the pencil in his hand.
"The staff at Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield were amazing. They couldn't believe that the pencil had just been left in his hand."
Robbie was kept awake during his 90-minute op in Wakefield, watching docs remove the pencil on a TV monitor. He has been left with a five-inch scar and has not yet returned to school. Emma said of the freak accident which led to the injury: "From what he's told me, he was play-fighting with a friend at home time.
"Robbie punched out at him and unfortunately the friend had a pencil in his hand so Robbie had punched the pencil - which then got stuck in his hand.
"He was in a lot of pain obviously. He was very pale and looked like he was going to faint."
A DRI spokesman yesterday apologised to Robbie for his ordeal.
He added: "Robbie was seen by the A&E team, who were concerned and asked an orthopaedic surgeon to assess him.
"Robbie was then listed for surgery the next morning. Unfortunately, due to a number of very urgent cases requiring immediate trauma surgery, Robbie's operation was postponed."



6吋鉛筆插入手 男童被醫院當人球
英國13歲男童索克特(Robbie Appleby-Socket),日前在學校跟同學嬉鬧時,被六吋長(約16公分)的尖鉛筆插入手背,痛入心扉,媽媽立即送他到醫院求醫,心想只是取出鉛筆的小手術,應該不是太難,但院方卻告訴他們明天再回來做手術。
Nownews 表示:
英男童手遭16公分鉛筆刺入 醫院踢人球:明天再來!
 林依伶 2012年11月16日 17:59  國際中心/綜合報導
英國一名13歲男童索克特(Robbie Appleby-Socket)在學校和同學打鬧,不料手背竟遭一支6吋長(約16公分)的木鉛筆狠狠插入手背,痛到受不了。索克特的媽媽連忙將兒子送醫急救,但沒想到院方卻要他們「明天再來」,母子倆傻眼無助。

星期五, 11月 16, 2012

英國布里斯托爾皇家兒童醫院Bristol Children's Hospital接連兩起醫療事件

復活節放假病房沒醫護人員 7歲病童慘死

三月下旬,7歲大的詹金(Luke Jenkins)在英國布里斯托兒童醫院(Bristol Children's Hospital)進行了一次矯正手術,術後恢復看來一切正常,轉進小兒專科病房休養,爸媽只要有空都會在病房陪他。

約一星期後的4月6日,是「耶穌受難日」(Good Friday),也是復活節假期的開始,晚上詹金的爸媽都在病床旁陪他,爸爸先發現不對,詹金的臉色發白,似乎有點沒力,他想找個醫護人員看一下,卻發現找不到人,沒多久,詹金失去了意識,倒在媽媽的懷中,他們發現小孩心跳都停了,急著找人救命,但找不到半個人幫忙,第一個醫謢人員出現時,詹金的心跳已經停了43分鐘,醫生再也沒辦法救醒他。


 全天量營養液1小時輸入 1周大女嬰心臟病夭折
英國布里斯托爾皇家兒童醫院,一名1周大女嬰梅茜野沃特斯(Maisie Waters),有先天性心漏症,等候做手術時,護士錯誤調校了靜脈注射營養液儀器,將本應是全日的份量,在1小時內全部輸送給女嬰,結果導致女嬰心臟病發,醫生搶救了45分鐘,都未能將她救活。

1. 九月的事件有可能是人力短缺。
2. 上班時間,最好還是不要聊天嘻笑被看到。

星期五, 9月 28, 2012

Tranexamic Acid Could Save Lives in All Traumatic Bleeding (from medscape)


根據BMJ 上 9/11 發表的paper, Tranexamic Acid (TXA) 不只有用在嚴重創傷,對於所有的外傷出血都有可能有幫助。

在randomized, multicenter Clinical Randomisation of an Antifibrinolytic in Significant Haemorrhage 2 (CRASH-2) trial的研究發表之後,針對Transamin (TXA) 在創傷出血的角色有許多爭論;BMJ 這篇研究企圖彌平這個爭論。

這篇研究是從CRASH-2的data裡面篩選出來然後分析。根據死亡風險分為四組:less than 6%, from 6% to 20%, from 21% to 50%, and more than 50%.

研究者發現TXA 降低整體出血死亡率約 30%;同時也會降低血栓事件(編按:肺栓塞心肌梗塞腦中風等?)。如果TXA的好處在不同死亡風險組是相同的,作者推論在 < 6% 死亡風險組有 17% 的死亡可以避免;在6%~20% 風險組有36%的死亡可以避免;在21%~50% 風險組有30%的死亡可以避免;>50%風險組有17%的死亡可以避免。





星期日, 1月 01, 2012







內  容

主旨:因應H1N1新型流感疫情趨緩,「流感病毒抗原快速篩檢試劑」及「流感抗病毒藥劑」之費用申報及核付作業請於99年3月31日後停止辦理,請 查照。





ps. 此留言如果沒有任何回覆的話,我要另外寫給陳菊市長及大話新聞的鄭弘儀來評斷看看,這個白色巨塔實在是太黑暗了!
敬祝您 順頌安好
高雄市政府衛生局局長何啟功 敬復

疾病管制處 2011/01/25 2011/02/01

星期三, 10月 19, 2011

[閒聊] 以醫院員工觀點出發的禁忌/吉利食物(和行為)列表




  • 吉利食物 
  1. 涼爽茶-名稱就很涼很爽的樣子 
  2. 乖乖-工程師也愛的吉祥物 
  3. 水果布丁-睡個不停!保證值班時候一覺睡到天亮,不過要小心是不是手機沒電忘記開… 
  • 禁忌食物 
  1. 鳳梨-台語諧音"旺來"。
  2. 芒果-諧音"忙"。
  3. 芒果布丁(進階版)-忙個不停!! 
  4. 有C字的飲料-和CPR的C有相關,有時候醫療上溝通也會把CPR簡稱為"C";好比"今天C回來了一個"="今天CPR救回一個"。
  5. 養樂多-事情會很多。
  6. 旺旺仙貝-名稱就很旺。 
  7. 鴨胸-和CPR時候的"壓胸"諧音 。
  8. 烤布丁-call不停,值班大忌!! 
  • 效果不明 
  1. 龜苓膏-雖然諧音"歸零",可是不知道會作用在"病人數目歸零",還是病人心跳血壓歸零… 
  2. 可口可樂Zero-同上 
  3. 零卡飲料-零卡寫作0卡,看起來就很像O卡 → OHCA!! 
  • 行為 
  1. 印章加水-這也是大忌之一;相傳在急診室把印章加水,病人就會如潮水般湧來。