星期六, 2月 19, 2011



link: Medical News: Living Room Is New ED Waiting Room - in Emergency Medicine from MedPage Today  醫學新聞:客廳就是候診室



於是有家公司 InQuickER 官方網頁 想出了個讓民眾滿意、醫生紓解壓力、醫院又有錢賺的三贏方案-讓急診室也可以預約(只是要花錢)

How It Works 怎麼運作?
第三步,輕鬆地在家看電視候診,只要在約定時間抵達急診室,保證你15分鐘內就可以看病!link 如果超過15分鐘就退你錢。




另外從網頁上預約時候,就需要填寫你的症狀;好比是寫"胸痛"(chest pain)這種的,就會接到他們的電話(不知道是InQuickER主動打還是醫院打,新聞說醫院也會持續注意預約病人的症狀描述)

One thing is certain, Song said -– the system won't let a patient schedule an appointment for later in the day if he or she needs to be seen immediately. Hospitals constantly monitor the requests coming in, and if an acute condition is sensed, a healthcare worker will follow up.
"If someone writes that they're having chest pains, they get a call," Clem said.

"Patients are just choosing where they wait," said Kathleen Clem, MD, chair of emergency medicine at Loma Linda University Medical Center in California, which recently implemented the technology. "They're waiting at home rather than our waiting room."She added that they're "not getting in line in front of someone else."

另外有醫療排擠和濫用的議題。雖然公司負責人說這個系統主要是給那些輕症-好比尿道感染和扭傷拉傷-或是單純因為過了門診時間只能掛急診的病人們,況且真正急重症來到急診的病人還是會優先被處理;不過反對者也認為"既然是輕症,那就應該是去看門診,而不是跑來急診預約(可以預約的病情怎麼需要看急診咧? link)"


"...the bookings will never take precedence over a true emergency."  "Never" is a long time. And sometime, there will start to be quiet pressure to "make sure we keep our appointments"; to "See the paying patients as soon as possible". It won't be overt; no administrator will ever say "Let the gunshot wound wait until you see the 7:15 appointment"; it'll be hints, talkarounds, subtle digs about the patient they had to pay off last week because you had a GSW, a STEMI and a CHF patient on BiPAP and the hangnail had to wait.  Systems like this one reinforce the idea that the ED is an acceptable place to come for non-emergent care. It is not. It is the place of last resort; the place where, like home in The Death of The Hired Man, when you *have* to go there, they have to take you. If you have a UTI, CALL YOUR DOCTOR, for heaven's sake. And if you're the doctor being called, *learn* how to do telephone triage, learn how to treat patients over the phone, and actually treat them, reimbursement be damned. (And at the same time, I do believe we should work to see that these types of "visits" are, in fact, reimbursed). Pediatricians have been doing this for years; why are we still sending adults to the ED when it's not an emergency? Sure, sometimes you can't tell. And when that's the case, send 'em in. But I cannot tell you how many 23 year old UTI's I've seen at 0230, who tell me their doctor either didn't answer, or told them to go to the emergency department, despite data showing that if you're 23 and say you have symptoms just like your last UTI, you have a UTI with high likelihood, and just phoning in some antibiotics and pyridium with a morning visit would save everyone much aggravation-the patient the ER doc, and you. And when I see those patients, I tell them to start shopping for a doctor who both reads the literature and cares about them, because if they read they'd know what to do, and if they cared they would avoid sending their patients to the ED unless it was, in fact, a true emergency.
I think this entire concept is just crazy! If they do not have an emergency, let them go to their family Dr., or an urgent care center. If they are not sure - then they should be triaged by a knowledgable nurse, and then be seen in the order of severity... I also agree that it is our duty to educate people about what truly is an emergency. This can be done with pamphlets and handout in the hospital, also by the Triage Nurse, and well as other medical professionals in the ED and in Physicians' Offices. I'm also not so sure that a fee shouldn't be charged for the non-emergent patients. It is really unfortunate how true emergency have to wait simply because of the volume of non- emergent patients!


公司是這麼對醫院宣揚自己的好處 link:

Benefits of Implementing InQuickER

Increase patient satisfaction Wait time is a significant component of patient satisfaction in the emergency room, and InQuickER patients spend little to no time in the waiting room; instead, they spend the wait time relaxing at home or at another location.

  • 病患滿意度調查結果也是這樣,滿意度很高!其實台灣人應該也是一樣,討厭等、討厭不確定要等多久;如果你可以事先跟他們講幾點看的到,其實是會獲得好評的。不過這點對於"我掛急診就是因為我要馬上看"的人應該是沒有效果吧~

Increase efficiency

InQuickER shifts patients from high-utilization hours to low-utilization hours by giving patients the information necessary to plan their visits around peak usage times.

  • 由於可接受預約的時間是醫院提供的,所以醫院可以選擇離峰時間接受病人預約,紓解病人的人潮…不過說實話,在台灣的離峰時間,好比凌晨兩三點的現在,有多少人願意爬起來看不急的急診??其實離峰時間也是很多人不方便的時間。話說回來,這對那些請假跑出來看急診的,應該是很有用。
  • 官方說法是,民眾寧可跑到比較願且可以預約的急診,也不願意去就近還要現場等的急診。

Streamline the registration process

Patients who use the InQuickER preregistration service can enter their demographic and medical information online, before they arrive at the emergency department. With InQuickER, an emergency medical profile (including information such as current medications, allergies, and medical conditions, etc) is sent to the emergency department before the patient even walks through the front door.
  • 線上預約的時候,就要求病人填寫詳細的資料,可以節省到達醫院時後再填資料的時間。
